See us, Help us
We’re here for people with invisible and visible disabilities.
Support, information, and advocacy.
Join and become involved,
or support research through Emerge.
How tough are you?
Take our challenge,
do it alone!
The Invisibilit.ME challenge was
so much harder than I expected.Much harder than the Ice Bucket Challenge!
John Doe
My Husband says I only beat him because of child-bearing.
Jane Doe
We know better, don’t we.
How You Can Help
Build 4 ME
Good with Tools? Got a knack for creating or modifying?
Many people with ME don’t get NDIS funding, and have special needs, and we have some ideas your Handy Person can give to their community.
Become a Volunteer
There are some other ways to help a Local MEep. We want to create a network to help MEeps and each other soon.
Ideas 4 ME
Who are We?
We are a budding community of MEeps (Peeps with ME),
friends, family, + anyone interested in other abled people.
We’re not here for your money,
though we have lots of ideas
that you might like to help with.
Time, knowledge,
or money.