Built 4 ME

Most people with ME have specialised needs, just to use a computer, or even sit up in bed.

Below are some simple adaptions/creations I have put together to improve my life, and extend the amount of time I can use a computer without ‘crashing’. Some ME-life hacks in here too

Do you know someone handy to build for you, or even someone else with ME? Build 4 ME

Warning – some animated gifs below, I need to get rid of them…

Work in Bed

Us, not you 😉

Most have to use computers in their beds, but even that is tiring.

I’ve come up with some simple hacks to make it easier, cheaply.

Build-a-Bed 4 ME

Custom Chairs and more

Some people can sit at a desk for a while, if they have a chair that supports their necks + head. Maybe their legs too.

I custom built this one… from chairs I bought 2nd hand at the Green Shed, in Canberra.

One Size Fits Most (or maybe just one)

I’m not proposing a one-size fits all anything.

Probably each person might want something a little different. You might find these ideas helpful.

I built my first laptop tray from a kitchen shelf slider, and because I feel the heat a lot, it also has, ahem, hidden features.

Six silent running server fans!

More to come soon – and maybe a quick video of my latest setup too.


Please let us know below!

Or if you want to write up a whole page of your own, please do, and we’ll post here.