
To make it easier to sit up and work/play in bed, with decent neck support I built this. A wedge pillow is hot, weighty and awkward- so on bad days, the effort of picking it up and moving it around could be too much, and also I am pretty heat intolerant so wanted something that could breathe more. I have made about six different version of this, including ones that don't automatically rise. I have also been hit on the head by those, because...

Gear 4 ME

What do I actually use? I gave an overview of some good options, but when the rubber hits the road... Or when you the hit the road/internet/information superhighway, this rubber protects my poor toes/hands/wrists... I think I killed the metaphor. Or brutally murdered it? Mice I have a lot of rodents running around my room. No George, don't get excited, mice, not Ferrets, though occasional rabbits if Spike is misbehaving :S No standard mice at...

Anger, my Favourite emotion!

Not rage, though. Anger, healthy anger, is such a powerful emotion. “Anybody can become angry — that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way — that is not within everybody's power and is not easy.”― Aristotle “Anger is just anger. It isn't good. It isn't bad. It just is. What you do with it is what matters. It's like anything else....

t3 Love, Loss, Longing

1 tiny tragic tryptych 2 snowball's gonna do 3 Love, Loss, Longing I had to try and stop it. As Group Administrators, you had a responsibility to stop it. You enabled a fully able man with dual income (and three working age sons) give away the few last possessions of a disabled pensioner, unable to work, with a life expecancy of more than thirty years less than average. Actually it got worse than that, in the last year. Enduring what he put me...

t2 snowball’s gonna do

1 tiny tragic tryptych 2 snowball's gonna do 3 Love, Loss, Longing First Message 11am "Hi xyz, sorry to involve you in this... but, needs must, and well... The listing my brother Jason Forhim, posted on Buy Nothing for a "free garage sale" is illegal, he does not own the goods, and he has prevented me or other people from collecting them. They are quite substantial and obviously worth more than $500 which means he is breaking the law in a...

t1 a tiny tragic tryptych

How do you stop a snowball in motion? This morning I was about to make some phone calls while making some bookmarks. Then I got a message on FaceBook, "Is this yours?" Is this yours? “3 m · Garage (sale) but everything is free! Today 8 Jan. 10:30am Chisholm. Free Garage sale in Chisholm. 10:30am. Private message me for address. Huge array of items including, but not limited to: bike parts, torches, soft toys, plumbing goods, sheets and...


May 11, 2020 Illustrating this artwork for ME/CFS advocacy was a struggle for me this year. Partly due to my physical and cognitive limitations of not being able to sit upright (even in bed) and concentrate for long. The other barrier was emotional. It has taken me many weeks to illustrate, then articulate words to accompany this image, all while my inner monologue argued why I should or shouldn't share something so raw at this time....